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The 10 Laws of On-Premises to Cloud Migration Projects

Fusion Practices


May 11, 2021


The 10 Laws of On-Premises to Cloud Migration Projects

A handy list for implementing on-prem to cloud projects for your organisation, compiled by Oracle.*

1. Law of Adapting Modern Business Processes

Don’t copy and paste on-premises business processes to the cloud. Start with modern best practices. Avoid “paving cow paths” based on old approaches and custom code.


2. Law of Good Data Management

Good data strategies require an aggressive archive strategy, a purge plan, a well-defined dictionary, and multiple sequential quality-checked data conversion trials.


3. Law of Partner Involvement

When companies migrate to the cloud without a partner, they have hired the wrong partner. Engage the right partner before project kickoff and take advantage of their expertise and experience.

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4. Law of Proactive Change Management

Organizations always encounter resistance to change regardless of applications or technologies. Manage change before change occurs.


5. Law of User Training and Orientation

Users still need training before go-live. With cloud applications, training focuses on orientation, process, and intuition rather than traditional click-abutton step-by-step task instruction.


6. Law of Executive Sponsor Impact

Enlist an executive sponsor who has major organizational influence (and, if needed, can threaten a paycheck)


7. Law of Budgets and Resources

Internal staff and external resources are required to deliver a successful project. Budget accordingly


8. Law of Human Testing

The cloud still requires testing (but far less compared to on-premises). User acceptance testing by real end users is project insurance. Performance testing is critical—test internal and external capacity requirements at maximum levels prior to go-live.


9. Law of Configuration Priority

Configurations are the first, second, and third priority over customizations. Always strive to avoid customizations with cloud applications.


10. Law of Customisation Avoidance

Don’t reproduce on-premises custom objects. If absolutely required, justify each customization by opportunity and reject “nice-to-have” features. Match requests to one of these key reasons: earn more money, save more money, or work in a new market.



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